Color Space Product Introduction

2014-01-14 00:00


 Color-Space BeijingTechnology Inc. ,  focusing on screen calibration,  after years of R&D, debuts its world’s first light in weight and handy to use Color & Brightness calibration system ,Model PM-20.The system is specially catered for the LED screen operators that need on their multiple control systems stock in the field or in the factory.

By using the system, both Color and Brightness can be meticulously checked & calibrated pixel by pixel in the field or ex-factory.  In other words, it does mean that different batch combinations either of Cabinets/Tiles from the same manufacturer can be assembled, calibrated with resulting seamless color & brightness effect seen to become a new working screen, thanks to the Auto Targeting feature embedded.

The system includes a 16 bit CCD sensor with stable cryogenics options of -10°C or lower when required, and with a 2D capturing resolution of 3326*2504, or translates into an on-site pixel throughput of 330*250 per single shot captured in the field over the subject screen. One shot speed is approximately 12 seonds and capturing time is 12 x 9 =108 RGB-XYZ 9parametric. The average time taken to finish the shooting and calibration is estimated, mand the time taken is approximately 12 seconds for one capturing or 9 x 12 = 108 seconds for entire 9 parametric RGB/XYZ.

Years on, the Company, Color-Space focusing mainly on photometric computation and its realization, solving riddles of image recognition, and the study of LED based control software.  As the Company's customer base is growing day by day in Europe, Asia and domestic China, we plan to play a more active role ahead in the upbeat screen calibration marketplace worldwide.

Calibration system structure

  • 1st Generation – mechanical location sensor system with low efficiency.
  • 2nd Generation –DSLR CMOS Sensor system with limited accuracy.
  • 3rd Generation –CCD brightness and separate Chroma Meter system with no color uniformity improvement capability.
  • 4th Generation –integrated CCD brightness and color measurement system with limited system consistency.
  • 5th Generation –5th Generation - a gear catered especially for LED screen with refined accuracy and standard, that is, it's equipped with a set of X, Y, Z CIE 1931 color sphere capturing filters such that original real 3D color sphere data and not relative nor approximated 2D coordinates of the screen in question, can be identified automatically and be converted and seen on the coplanar CIE 1931 (x, y), if required. The embedded algorithm can auto-compensate any viewing angle data obtained as a result of location restricted on site while shooting.



  • A customer acclaimed easy and fast setup process, and simple to follow software steps.
  • Integrated brightness and color measurement with automatic screen raw data profiling
  • Servo based automatic XYZ coordinate filter reeling – no manual intervention needed
  • Individual pixel based true and not relative, color uniformity optimization.
  • Support multiple LED screen control systems available in the marketplace, and interwork with any standard communication protocols.
  • An 3326*2504 camera pixel resolution per single shot that's best suit for screens with < P2 and 4K high resolution

Rental friendly calibration Application


  • Fully automatic zone by zone shooting with turns of 9 shots/zone over the whole subject screen, together with the optimized and auto engendered targeting feature, once applied, the screen can be started running anew.
  • Rental tiles of different batches can be assembled upon calibration without any visible criss cross color or brightness pattern.
  • Individual pixel & column/row brightness calibration, a need as a result of module imperfection or screen assembly issue.
  • View angle defect compensation.
  • Assured equipment precision consistency and measurement results over multiple usages with negligible parametric drifting over time.
  • A finely granulated precision system ensuring the detection of any minute difference and measurements thus obtained, lives well to the prevailing industrial standard.

    Non-uniform pixel response           LED  view angle cosine fall off                           Lens vignetting

Now rental tiles can be arranged and mounted randomly without any degradation pattern thanks to PM-20 unprecedented automatic view angle compensation solution.


 Lens vignetting measurement and compensation

 Scientific precise and criterion accuracy measurement 

  • 16 bit A/D output, 70db low noise and wide dynamic range
  • Brightness accuracy ± 3%repeatability ± 0.5% 
  • ± 1°C temperature accuracy cooling to 45°C below ambient to guarantee stability and repeatability
  • High speed USB2.0 and read rates up to 8MHZ
  • 3326*2504 pixel measurement resolutions
  • CCD measurement leads to much more linear than CMOS


 Measurement accuracy of SLR camera and PM-20


  • CIE1931 standard 2° brightness and color criterion
  • Maximum saturation, PAL-NTSC True color realization
  • Color repeatability accuracy +-0.0006   


        Color Uniformity Calibration and True Color adjstment                          Chroma distribution  Criteria 

  • True color calibration target gamut can be automatically generated by the system software - auto Targeting feature, or manually set within the CIE 1931 (x, y) color coordinates, if required.
  • After calibration, the respective Red, Green, Blue and white coordinates of the subject screen will be converged within the target tri-stimulus color gamut. The screen thus shown reflects the target or ideal true color gamut, and the previously distributed LED colors may now be found converging onto a small dotting spot with improved screen uniformity seen.



                  Software analyses brightness difference                             Seam caused by mechanical defect



                                                                  Picture1 Display with gaps defects

De-seaming Methodology

  • Calculate the accumulated brightness per unit area 
  • Calculate the brightness deviation caused by LED distribution deviation 
  • Eliminate the inconsistent gaps between each display unit caused by mechanical assembly seam defects 


                                                                Picture2  Display eliminate gap

  Easy and fast field color calibration application

  • Low power consumption –rechargeable battery-no lengthy field wiring required.
  • Compact,light and small – hand carry size, no customs clearance issue unless really no luck.
  • No positional and directional data adjustment required upon restricted site availability during measurement 
  • Easy and fast set up process
  • Repeated automatic zone specific pixel start/finish locations identification
  • Automatic LED pixel location and calibration data generation
  • Wireless TCP/IP communication with automatic data transport and download process  


 Uniformity compare before and after color calibration






 Color-Space (Beijing) Technology Inc. is aiming to provide easy to use and aplicable calibration systems which will improve your product quality,save your cost and shorten your delivery time .   

Color Space (Beijing) Technology Inc.


Phone Number:0086-10-89146501

Mobile Phone:0086-13701011831


Address: Head Office: Room 5-1-608,ZhuJiang Moore International Center,No.1 BeiQing Street, ChangPing District, Beijing, China 

Post Number:102200




LED 双人自动矫正设备
LED 双人自动矫正设备
